Should a law firm offer traditional legal services only or consider to better service its clients in a digital world?
In today’s world, where digital technologies have become an integral part of our lives, it is essential for law firms to offer both traditional legal services and digital services to serve their clients better. The legal industry is also experiencing a digital transformation, and law firms that fail to embrace digital technologies risk falling behind their competitors.

Digital services can provide a range of benefits to clients, such as convenience, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness. For example, digital platforms allow clients to access legal documents and communicate with their lawyers online, eliminating physical meetings and paperwork. This can save clients time and money and make legal services more accessible to those who may have difficulty accessing traditional legal services.

Moreover, digital services can also help law firms to improve their efficiency and productivity, allowing them to provide better and more comprehensive services to their clients. For instance, using digital tools like case management software and electronic discovery tools can help law firms to manage cases more effectively, reducing the risk of errors and improving their response time to clients.

Take the firm MJ Hudson who better serve their clients with a full suite of services ranging from fund admin to marketing (yes they assist their clients with websites and marketing strategy for those seeking funding). Why would law firms today refer work to say a KIID document to a KIID factory when they could, should be doing this internally?  Many firms today have a client portal on their website, with options for clients to manage their account through the firm’s website. Video content can be packaged to include the firm’s expertise on say how to set up a trust, and then this can be billed to the client, it reduces time wasted at the introductory stage, avoids window shopping, the client works it out in their way and produces a revenue stream to the firm, a win win.

In the same way, law firms need to show they are as comfortable working in this digital world as they are in a traditional; world. For example, an existing or new Fintech client would expect their legal counsel to understand their sector/business.

In summary, offering both traditional legal services and digital services is crucial for law firms to better serve their clients in today’s digital world. By embracing digital technologies, law firms can improve their efficiency and productivity, provide better accessibility to clients, and stay ahead of their competitors.

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